Philadelphia Resources
the resource exchange
The Resource Exchange is a nonprofit reuse center dedicated to promoting creative reuse, recycling, and resource conservation by diverting valuable materials
from the waste stream and redirecting them to artists, builders, educators, and the general public.
Par-recycle works
PAR-Recycle Works is a nonprofit that provides transitional employment to people returning to the community from prison through an environmentally responsible electronics recycling service. Working with municipalities, businesses, faith-based organizations and other major institutions, PAR-Recycle Works takes apart computers and other electronics and recycles them into valuable components that are sold to generate revenue to pay our employees. By providing our employees with skills and opportunities, PAR-Recycle Works helps to build safer communities and contribute to stronger families while saving taxpayer money.
National Resources
A report on closing greener
A report written by the BGA and off-Broadway theatres about the challenges, goals, and strategies to closing greener.
natural resources defense council
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has teamed up with the Broadway Green Alliance (BGA) to create the NRDC Theatre Greening Advisor—a guide to help theatres across the country implement eco-intelligent practices.
bga greener lighting guide
The BGA Greener Lighting Guide is a compilation of manufacturer provided information about live performance lighting instruments. This guide is designed to help you decide which lighting instruments are environmentally preferable.
Courtesy of the bga
Employee Encouragement
Encourage the use of public transit through TransitChek or other programs.
Where public transit is unavailable, encourage carpools by sending an email to staff members.
Investigate a paperless direct deposit system for your employees.
Give your employees a mug or reusable water bottles with the company logo for their first day, a holiday or any occasion.
Start buying 100% post-consumer recycled paper for your office.
If you provide lunch at your office, consider purchasing locally grown organic foods.
When you can’t buy office supplies and equipment locally, buy in bulk to reduce shipping pollution and packaging waste.
Reuse shipping boxes whenever possible.
When replacing appliances around the office, look to replacements with Energy Star ratings.
When purchasing company vehicles or using a car service, consider electrics or hybrids.
Consider consulting green architects, designers and construction companies for any renovations.
Evaluate HVAC systems and upgrade for greater efficiency if necessary.
Inquire with your energy provider about buying into an energy portfolio consisting of energy from renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydro.
Consider investing in high quality alternative energy carbon offsets.
Office Initiatives
Designate a place where employees can leave their paycheck envelopes for reuse.
Use washable plates and silverware instead of paper plates and plastic utensils.
Arrange for a company to pick up your paper, metal and plastic recycling.
Set thermostats to turn down (or off) when the office is closed.
Mandate double-sided printing and explore paperless options.
Utilize video conferencing systems instead of traveling to a meeting.
Mandate that all computers and printers be turned off at the end of the work day.
Develop an internal Green Team to develop green initiatives and goals.
Establish a green policy for the office.